It all started back in 2011
Where we met
It was at the Google office in Mexico City as Rafa was interviewing for a position there. When he joined Google they became close friends, until 2013...
…And from there, everything just happened

Las Polas, Mexico. 2013

Machali, Chile. 2014

Vik, Iceland. 2016

Atacama Desert, Chile. 2018

London, United Kingdom. 2019

Lake Tahoe, California, United States. 2021

Yosemite, California, United States. 2021

Big Sur, California, United States. 2021

Hawaii, United States. 2021
The Proposal
It was in Kemi, Finland, right by the frozen gulf of Bothnia where Rafa got on one knee and ask Vero if she wanted to marry him. It was not an easy task, Rafa had the mission of carrying the ring through more than 6 airport security checkpoints using several small pouches as decoys, caught the flu while in transit from Paris to London, an adventure that included Vero having to find a pharmacy open in Helsinki at midnight during the first days there. But by the time they got to Kemi they were feeling great and the rest is history…